Saturday, August 22, 2020


Good evening everyone 


You may have wondered where I’ve disappeared to as I haven’t been in touch for quite awhile. 


I’ve had such a bad run of plumbing.  I had a water leak from within a second storey brick wall and getting a bricklayer to do such a small job has been difficult.  In the end my builder (who was replacing a deck for me) did the job. He used his grinder and cut away 8 bricks and then the plumber came and replaced the pipes. It was just a pinhead leak but it was so stressful. 


But today I went to La Cigale farmers market and got my knives sharpened by Mr Sharp.  If you ever need your knives, scissors or hedge clippers sharpened, he’s there alternate weeks. Today I had 3 small and 1 large knives done and it costed $15.00.


The real reason that I’ve been quiet is that I’ve tried to get Judith Collins to come to talk to us.  But I heard back this week that next Saturday is the official launch of the National Party Campaign so she won’t be able to come. That was Plan A.    Helen had a Plan B and has been trying to get someone from the Cookie Project but it’s another no show.


Plan C - I shall do a cheat’s barbecue pork bun.  Happy for someone to suggest something else.


The Women’s Group charges $2.00 each meeting.  This, and raffle sales, help defray the costs of rent, afternoon tea consumables and any guess speaker kohas. 


It has been suggested that members who are rostered to bring a plate should not be required to pay this charge and I’m happy to adopt this suggestion.  I know that bringing a plate and raffle prizes is not just about the cost but it is also time and thoughtfulness.  Thank you to those who bring food even though when they are not rostered. 


Helen will be in touch with the rostered team soon.  


I hope to see many of you next Saturday.  


We’ve had several family birthdays lately. Two of the cakes..

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