Saturday, November 28, 2020


 Thank you for your support for attending our dinner.  We are an intimate group - we are only 32 diners so we’ll just have three tables.  

Please note - don’t try to park in the alcoved area in front of the restaurant - the parking are TIGHT fits.  There will be parking on side streets. The venue is Golden Garden Restaurant, 583 Dominion Road, Mt Eden.

Helen (she who must be obeyed) requests that you bring the right money in an envelope with your, and/or your guests’ names on the outside so she doesn’t have to lug $1 coins for change.  

My NZCA Christmas Party raffle “food bank” is growing nicely.  This week I shall buy a few more recyclable shopping bags - thanks to Janet Kum who gave us ten bags (her husband Sam keeps stuff...lucky for us). 

Have a good week and we will see each other on Saturday.